"""Chain data helper functions and data."""
from enum import Enum
from typing import Optional, Union
from scalecodec.base import RuntimeConfiguration, ScaleBytes
from scalecodec.type_registry import load_type_registry_preset
from scalecodec.utils.ss58 import ss58_encode
from bittensor.core.settings import SS58_FORMAT
from bittensor.utils.balance import Balance
class ChainDataType(Enum):
NeuronInfo = 1
SubnetInfo = 2
DelegateInfo = 3
NeuronInfoLite = 4
DelegatedInfo = 5
StakeInfo = 6
IPInfo = 7
SubnetHyperparameters = 8
ScheduledColdkeySwapInfo = 9
AccountId = 10
def from_scale_encoding(
input_: Union[list[int], bytes, "ScaleBytes"],
type_name: "ChainDataType",
is_vec: bool = False,
is_option: bool = False,
) -> Optional[dict]:
Decodes input_ data from SCALE encoding based on the specified type name and modifiers.
input_ (Union[List[int], bytes, ScaleBytes]): The input_ data to decode.
type_name (ChainDataType): The type of data being decoded.
is_vec (bool): Whether the data is a vector of the specified type. Default is ``False``.
is_option (bool): Whether the data is an optional value of the specified type. Default is ``False``.
Optional[dict]: The decoded data as a dictionary, or ``None`` if the decoding fails.
type_string = type_name.name
if type_name == ChainDataType.DelegatedInfo:
# DelegatedInfo is a tuple of (DelegateInfo, Compact<u64>)
type_string = f"({ChainDataType.DelegateInfo.name}, Compact<u64>)"
if is_option:
type_string = f"Option<{type_string}>"
if is_vec:
type_string = f"Vec<{type_string}>"
return from_scale_encoding_using_type_string(input_, type_string)
def from_scale_encoding_using_type_string(
input_: Union[list[int], bytes, ScaleBytes], type_string: str
) -> Optional[dict]:
Decodes SCALE encoded data to a dictionary based on the provided type string.
input_ (Union[List[int], bytes, ScaleBytes]): The SCALE encoded input data.
type_string (str): The type string defining the structure of the data.
Optional[dict]: The decoded data as a dictionary, or ``None`` if the decoding fails.
TypeError: If the input_ is not a list[int], bytes, or ScaleBytes.
if isinstance(input_, ScaleBytes):
as_scale_bytes = input_
if isinstance(input_, list) and all([isinstance(i, int) for i in input_]):
vec_u8 = input_
as_bytes = bytes(vec_u8)
elif isinstance(input_, bytes):
as_bytes = input_
raise TypeError("input_ must be a list[int], bytes, or ScaleBytes")
as_scale_bytes = ScaleBytes(as_bytes)
rpc_runtime_config = RuntimeConfiguration()
obj = rpc_runtime_config.create_scale_object(type_string, data=as_scale_bytes)
return obj.decode()
custom_rpc_type_registry = {
"types": {
"SubnetInfo": {
"type": "struct",
"type_mapping": [
["netuid", "Compact<u16>"],
["rho", "Compact<u16>"],
["kappa", "Compact<u16>"],
["difficulty", "Compact<u64>"],
["immunity_period", "Compact<u16>"],
["max_allowed_validators", "Compact<u16>"],
["min_allowed_weights", "Compact<u16>"],
["max_weights_limit", "Compact<u16>"],
["scaling_law_power", "Compact<u16>"],
["subnetwork_n", "Compact<u16>"],
["max_allowed_uids", "Compact<u16>"],
["blocks_since_last_step", "Compact<u64>"],
["tempo", "Compact<u16>"],
["network_modality", "Compact<u16>"],
["network_connect", "Vec<[u16; 2]>"],
["emission_values", "Compact<u64>"],
["burn", "Compact<u64>"],
["owner", "AccountId"],
"DelegateInfo": {
"type": "struct",
"type_mapping": [
["delegate_ss58", "AccountId"],
["take", "Compact<u16>"],
["nominators", "Vec<(AccountId, Compact<u64>)>"],
["owner_ss58", "AccountId"],
["registrations", "Vec<Compact<u16>>"],
["validator_permits", "Vec<Compact<u16>>"],
["return_per_1000", "Compact<u64>"],
["total_daily_return", "Compact<u64>"],
"NeuronInfo": {
"type": "struct",
"type_mapping": [
["hotkey", "AccountId"],
["coldkey", "AccountId"],
["uid", "Compact<u16>"],
["netuid", "Compact<u16>"],
["active", "bool"],
["axon_info", "axon_info"],
["prometheus_info", "PrometheusInfo"],
["stake", "Vec<(AccountId, Compact<u64>)>"],
["rank", "Compact<u16>"],
["emission", "Compact<u64>"],
["incentive", "Compact<u16>"],
["consensus", "Compact<u16>"],
["trust", "Compact<u16>"],
["validator_trust", "Compact<u16>"],
["dividends", "Compact<u16>"],
["last_update", "Compact<u64>"],
["validator_permit", "bool"],
["weights", "Vec<(Compact<u16>, Compact<u16>)>"],
["bonds", "Vec<(Compact<u16>, Compact<u16>)>"],
["pruning_score", "Compact<u16>"],
"NeuronInfoLite": {
"type": "struct",
"type_mapping": [
["hotkey", "AccountId"],
["coldkey", "AccountId"],
["uid", "Compact<u16>"],
["netuid", "Compact<u16>"],
["active", "bool"],
["axon_info", "axon_info"],
["prometheus_info", "PrometheusInfo"],
["stake", "Vec<(AccountId, Compact<u64>)>"],
["rank", "Compact<u16>"],
["emission", "Compact<u64>"],
["incentive", "Compact<u16>"],
["consensus", "Compact<u16>"],
["trust", "Compact<u16>"],
["validator_trust", "Compact<u16>"],
["dividends", "Compact<u16>"],
["last_update", "Compact<u64>"],
["validator_permit", "bool"],
["pruning_score", "Compact<u16>"],
"axon_info": {
"type": "struct",
"type_mapping": [
["block", "u64"],
["version", "u32"],
["ip", "u128"],
["port", "u16"],
["ip_type", "u8"],
["protocol", "u8"],
["placeholder1", "u8"],
["placeholder2", "u8"],
"PrometheusInfo": {
"type": "struct",
"type_mapping": [
["block", "u64"],
["version", "u32"],
["ip", "u128"],
["port", "u16"],
["ip_type", "u8"],
"IPInfo": {
"type": "struct",
"type_mapping": [
["ip", "Compact<u128>"],
["ip_type_and_protocol", "Compact<u8>"],
"StakeInfo": {
"type": "struct",
"type_mapping": [
["hotkey", "AccountId"],
["coldkey", "AccountId"],
["stake", "Compact<u64>"],
"SubnetHyperparameters": {
"type": "struct",
"type_mapping": [
["rho", "Compact<u16>"],
["kappa", "Compact<u16>"],
["immunity_period", "Compact<u16>"],
["min_allowed_weights", "Compact<u16>"],
["max_weights_limit", "Compact<u16>"],
["tempo", "Compact<u16>"],
["min_difficulty", "Compact<u64>"],
["max_difficulty", "Compact<u64>"],
["weights_version", "Compact<u64>"],
["weights_rate_limit", "Compact<u64>"],
["adjustment_interval", "Compact<u16>"],
["activity_cutoff", "Compact<u16>"],
["registration_allowed", "bool"],
["target_regs_per_interval", "Compact<u16>"],
["min_burn", "Compact<u64>"],
["max_burn", "Compact<u64>"],
["bonds_moving_avg", "Compact<u64>"],
["max_regs_per_block", "Compact<u16>"],
["serving_rate_limit", "Compact<u64>"],
["max_validators", "Compact<u16>"],
["adjustment_alpha", "Compact<u64>"],
["difficulty", "Compact<u64>"],
["commit_reveal_weights_interval", "Compact<u64>"],
["commit_reveal_weights_enabled", "bool"],
["alpha_high", "Compact<u16>"],
["alpha_low", "Compact<u16>"],
["liquid_alpha_enabled", "bool"],
"ScheduledColdkeySwapInfo": {
"type": "struct",
"type_mapping": [
["old_coldkey", "AccountId"],
["new_coldkey", "AccountId"],
["arbitration_block", "Compact<u64>"],
def decode_account_id(account_id_bytes: Union[bytes, str]) -> str:
Decodes an AccountId from bytes to a Base64 string using SS58 encoding.
account_id_bytes (bytes): The AccountId in bytes that needs to be decoded.
str: The decoded AccountId as a Base64 string.
# Convert the AccountId bytes to a Base64 string
return ss58_encode(bytes(account_id_bytes).hex(), SS58_FORMAT)
def process_stake_data(stake_data: list) -> dict:
Processes stake data to decode account IDs and convert stakes from rao to Balance objects.
stake_data (list): A list of tuples where each tuple contains an account ID in bytes and a stake in rao.
dict: A dictionary with account IDs as keys and their corresponding Balance objects as values.
decoded_stake_data = {}
for account_id_bytes, stake_ in stake_data:
account_id = decode_account_id(account_id_bytes)
decoded_stake_data.update({account_id: Balance.from_rao(stake_)})
return decoded_stake_data